1918 interesting incoming field post Russia-Reval/Tallinn
Red Russian unit cachet for field post “423-го пъх. ЛУЖСКАГО ПОЛКА * Команда Трансшейн Орудiй.” Russian postmarks ЛУГА/LUGA 6.4.18 and ЧИРКОВИЦЫ/Chirkovitsy 15.?.18. Violet Russian 2-line mark with text “Return due to hostilities” (Russia and Germany at war). German censor mark “R” from Riga and German language inscription “Reval” tell that the card finally moved from Russia to German area and was likely delivered to recipient in Reval sometime during German occupation in 1918. Interesting item, needs further study. There was also Finnish civil war going on in first part of 1918.
The card was posted by Estonian, text on card reads like “Warm greetings from Finland”. Picture side shows theatrical performance “Pisuhänd” of well known Estonian writer Eduard Vilde, performed in Tampere, Finland.
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